Donate Goods

Ways To Help

Here are some important ways of helping the Pantry that you might consider:

  • Smaller donations of unexpired, shelf-stable goods can be dropped off in the black bins outside the Pantry.

    Larger donations, especially those requiring refrigeration, can be delivered by appointment. Please contact

  • Condiments, spices, teas, and coffee may not be essentials but our shoppers always appreciate them since salt, pepper, mayo, ketchup, sugar, jams and salad dressings add a bit of “spice” to a basic diet.
    Although the Pantry’s main concern is feeding people we also distribute personal hygiene products. Toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, combs and brushes, shampoo and conditioner are all popular items.

  • If you grow vegetables for your family why not plant an extra row for the Pantry? Every little bit helps to feed those in need. And, if your chickens are laying more eggs than you need bring the extras to the Pantry (we’ll even give you empty cartons for next time)! Whether you grow a lot or a little we’d love to receive your extra’s any Thursday morning between 10-1.

    If you have large quantities of fresh items, please contact us!

  • Food drives not only supply the Pantry with a variety of goods, they also bring people together to help the community and raise awareness of the Pantry’s work.

Host A Food Drive

Organize a food drive at your business, school, church, health club, coffee shop, book group, or any other place! Or, host a party where guests bring non-perishable foods instead of bottles of wine! Food drives not only supply the Pantry with a variety of goods, they also bring people together to help the community and raise awareness of the Pantry’s work.

  • Contact us first to schedule your drive. Once scheduled, we’ll provide you with materials to promote your drive.

  • Once scheduled, use our materials to promote & host a successful drive!

  • Please note, you must have scheduled your food drive and delivery in advance so we can be sure to have adequate space & staffing to receive your donations.

The Essentials

The best unexpired, non-perishable items to donate are:

canned/dried beans
peanut butter/other nut butters
breakfast cereals including rolled oats
canned fruit/vegetables
canned soups
canned tuna/salmon/chicken
brown rice/quinoa/other grains
white and whole grain pasta, pasta sauce
white and whole grain flour, cornmeal
condiments, cooking oil, coffee, tea
toiletries such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste

​*Fresh eggs and seasonal produce are also welcome if arrangements are made in advance.

 If possible, low-salt, low-sugar foods are preferred.